Sunday 22 September 2013

BigBook Reading 1

Linus pupils of Class 2 Camellia enjoyed reading through Big Book. Good readers would lead the his/her peers in reading the first few pages. The reading session was repeated over and again until the pupils mastered the first few sentences. Teacher would not proceed with the story until the pupils are able to read. (Element of suspense)

Friday 20 September 2013

English - B3DL3E1 (2 Camellia)

Descriptor : B3DL3E1 Able to produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions with guidance - Poster (Protect/Prevent sea creatures from extinction)

Sunday 1 September 2013

English B3DL3E1 (2 Ixora)

Descriptor : B3DL3E1 Able to produce any creative works by listening to simple instructions with guidance- coin box using recycle items